August 30, 2012

Count down…


To Grace….

Although we’re itching to roll…there is no way in Heck ( I don’t use the “H” word) that we’d leave town before Michael’s (son) and Veronica’s (daughter in law) has their baby…My first biological to go along with Cindy’s 11.  I am so excited to be able to not only have a grandbaby but to also have a little girl to spoil “I know Kira..I’m going to spoil you too”…

We do have plan B for some rides though.  The first annual Teamster Horsemen Motorcycle Association poker run is on Saturday starting at 9 am and riding through the sierra foothills and arriving the Teamster Picnic (remember the title of my blog) to hang out and enjoy fellowship with other proud Teamsters from many different industries. 

We’ve also been invited to ride up to Reno for part of the weekend to attend the Reno Rib cook off with “Smokey” and his family.  For those who don’t remember who Smokey is I wrote a early blog about him and his ministry.  He feeds the poor and homeless every Wednesday from a small church in Tracy and I helped him out every week for a couple of years.  Unfortunately I’ve changed jobs in 2010 and my work schedule doesn’t allow Cindy and I to help as often as we’d  like.  After meeting Smokey, Cindy not only wants to help out on the ministry, but also ride with Smokey.  But Smokey and I are still like brothers and he encouraging us to roll on up (biker talk for those who don’t know)

So we’ll wait for baby Grace…have the bikes packed…and leave town as soon as we know Mom and baby are fine..

On a final note…for those who don’t know me…I’m very confident in who I am and my manliness..I’ve recently stopped biting my fingernails after biting them off and on..mostly on for the last 48 years. I try to trim them myself but my crooked eye (thanks mom) makes it nearly impossible.  So…Cindy and I are on our way to dinner and a Pedicure/Manicure…she won’t let me call it a pedi/mani (says it sounds gay)..

I’ll check in soon…

As David Russell Loring the first would say…”thanks for coming out”


DarlingDaughterDawn said...

If Cindy did let you shorten it, it's a mani/pedi. LMAO!!! How'd you stop biting your nails again? I really need some tips!!

Angel Bobbie said...

Glad you stopped biting your nails...hope you don't start up again. Sorry about the crooked eye. I didn't mean to pass it on to any of you

Unknown said...

So glad you finally came out! Rick says "nice, now we can do it together"!!! Hahaha, u guys make me Ladd.