March 20, 2009

The Virgin Teamster

The idea of this blog was originated as a way to keep family and friends updated on my daily safety. By safety we need to back up one step. As the title shows, The Teamster is turning fifty in April (don't worry, the entire blog won't be in "bob dole" tense) and I am going on a journey.

As part of my 50th birthday tour, I am planning my first long distance motorcycle ride. The first week of the ride will be a "loner" journey to "find myself". I don't want to have to check in with anyone nor do I want to be limited to an itinerary or schedule. However being on the motorcycle roaming the southwest, I felt it's only fair to let those who care about me know that I've made a destination each day so there is little-to-no worry for my safety.

The more I've thought about blogging, the more I became interested in sharing reflections of my past and posting of my journey forward. I have many interests and goals and blogging seems to be a useful tool of sharing with family and friends of progress. I have a great family, good friends, and wonderful girlfriend.

I'm planning on spending this next 6 weeks periodically posting, getting to know the blog world. Today I took the day off from work and rode the motorcycle up to daffodil hill near Sutter Creek Ca. Some of these pictures are form today (I need the practice)

I name this post "The Virgin Teamster" only because I'm a virgin blogster.


Anonymous said...
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katherine. said...

you're not a virgin anymore...

it looks great babe

The Teamster said...

hey mike...i got your email..the reason why the pics can't be enlarged was the way that i posted them. I'll post the next ones in the way they can be enlarged...feel free to comment here like mom's...thanks for checking it out

DarlingDaughterDawn said...

I'm impressed!!

david mcmahon said...

G;day from Australia,

Katherine just told me about your blog. The thing I like most is that you hit the nail squarely on the head ..... it's all about self-discovery and self-expression.

Welcome aboard. It's a great honour to have been invited here.



Mel said...

Well done YOU!

And I'm honoured to have been invited along for a piece of the journey. (Thank you, katherine.)

Six weeks of toodling around, going hither and yon--what a wonderful adventure to gift yourself.

May the first week bring to you clarity and peace....and lots of gorgeous sunrises.

Safe journey, sir!

Jeff B said...

Welcome to the world of blogging. I wondered if you'd make the leap at some point.

Safe journeys to you and am looking forward to reading about your illuminations.

Travis Cody said...

Welcome to blogging! And what a great way to start.

Safe travels!

Vinny "Bond" Marini said...

Welcome Sir...I am going to enjoy reading and seeing your journey. Remember, if you get lose to Memphis....
Great shots so far.

The Teamster said...

thanks everyone for checking in. I've been reading blogs for a little while, but writing is a new venture..

I need to clear up one misunderstanding though. I'm spending the next 6 weeks practicing my blogging. The adventure is from May 2nd till May 23rd. The road time is going to be 3 weeks, not 6.

Desert Songbird said...

Looks like your blogging venture is off to a great start!

Mel said...


Leave it to me to botch up 'getting it'.

Good news any way around--I'm up for both adventures!

The Teamster said...

d.s....thanks for stopping by

mel...i wish i was going to be gone for 6 weeks...

I, Like The View said...

welcome to blogging and thank you for inviting me to share your journeys!

I'm a Brit and to keep it simple all I want to say right now is that when I see a piece like this, it makes me think how cool Americans are. . .

. . .go, Teamster, go!


Linda said...

Welcome to the Blogosphere as we crazy people who spend a good part of our lives blogging like to call it!

A big thank you to Katherine for inviting me along for the ride and I shall be adding you to my Google Reader forthwith and pronto!

As for the whole turning 50 part, I did that last September and it really wasn't too bad at all - though to be able to take a journey to find myself would have been really nice!

Looking forward to the journey and the ride!

Angel Bobbie said...

Seeing that we just now got back on line I hope it isn't to late to leave a comment here. WOW you and Kat did good. Love the blog already and really looking forward to be on the ride with you.
Love Ya....

The Teamster said... this make me "international"?...thanks for visiting..

linda...turning 50 doesn't really bother me...I'm hoping to do a lot of "firsts" between 50 and 51...

bobbie.....hi you...