April 22, 2009

Bald or Balding


We all have defining moments in our life. ...

One of many defining moments in my life was on a warm summer day in early June of 1993....Michael was 12 and Steven was 10.  I was a little league coach and on the school site council for the local elementary school.  I always had a baseball hat on.....You see......since I was about 23, I have been "balding".  One day at the barber shop getting a haircut, something felt funny while the barber was clipping away.  I couldn't put my finger on it, but something didn't seem or feel right.  As he turned my chair around, low and behold...he had cut me a comb over.  I was ephen 25 years old and this old man cuts my hair and my part is 1/4 inch above my ear....he says "hey mac, it's about time you face the facts"...my reply was "hey mac, you need to face the facts that you look like a moron with your comb over"...I just told him to "butch" it...I spent the next decade with the constant baseball cap on, hiding my balding head, and no one really knew I was "balding" except family and a few close friends.

Fast forward to 1993.  I'm 34 years old and have been wanting to shave my head for the past few months....The boys and I were living in Rio Linda California.  The same one that Rush Limbaugh has always made fun of.  It is somewhat of a "rural", "crank cooking" "hell's angels" type of area.  My son's did NOT want me to shave....They thought the kids at school would associate me with "skinheads".  I respected their wishes until one day......they gave me the OK...I guess they had been talking with each other  and I was well known enough in the community that  nobody would think I was any type of "skin head". 

So I shaved.  It was an instant transformation from "Balding" to "Bald"  I INSTANTLY liked the way I looked.  My confidence zoomed.  I have rarely had a baseball hat on since.  I do wear a hiking/fishing type hat to protect from sun burn, but never wear a hat to cover up my 'balding" look.

As everyone knows, I'm starting my 50th birthday tour in about a week and will be away from family and friends for almost a month.  What a perfect opportunity to grow my hair back.  (take notice that I use the term "hair", as in singular, because there's not much of it)

Depending on how the itch feels under my helmet, I may come home from my trip with a "full" head of hair..

DSC_0181 DSC_0016


katherine. said...

I must admit....I am curious...

Sandee said...

I'm curious too, but I've only seen you with a shaved head. I liked it too.

Have a terrific day and 50th BD tour. We will miss you at Cancun. :)

Vinny "Bond" Marini said...

Do it dude... let's see what it looks like

Desert Songbird said...

My hubby is balding, and he's always said when it's gone, it's all gone. No Rogaine for him. Problem is, he has a REALLY ROUND head, so he runs the risk of looking like a bowling ball when he's bald!

While you're on the road, go for it. We'd all like to see the "transformation."

Georgie said...

Hi David,

Your Mom gave me your blog address recently. I really enjoy it - it's so well done. I'm looking forward to reading about your adventures on the road trip.

Your old neighbor.

Angel Bobbie said...

David...I like you just the way you are !!!!!!!

DarlingDaughterDawn said...

I cannot imagine you with hair on your head, so I will be extremely curious to see you when you get home. Like mom said, though, I also like you the way you are.....

Angel Bobbie said...

I tried to emulate you by cutting my hair off, but I chickened out when it got down to 1/8 inch. I think we both look better now. Your head is better shaped than mine.

I always thought you cut yours off to be a pirate for your little league team. dad

Linda said...

I've always thought there was something damned sexy about a man with a shaved head but if you want to grow that hair out - go for it! After all, it's your 50th birthday tour so you should do everything you do/don't want to do while you're out there! Just don't forget to take a comb with you - just in case!

The Teamster said...

katherine and bond...i'm curious too...but again it depends on comfort first..if it itches in my helmet, i'll shave it


d.s....i'm lucky...my head is pretty well shaped..and i won't use rogain, i'll only be natural.

Georgie...welcome to my blog and thanks for the kudos..

mom..dawn...dad...family....i'm not changing for ever...just for the trip and see what i've been missing for so long..

linda...thanks..i think bald heads are sexy too..

everyone...one thing that is interesting is in 1993, I would see another bald white guy maybe once a month besides myself;...now it's as common as the cold..

Mel said...

A trend setter--that's what you were!

Who knows--maybe you'll like the fringe on top!! :-)


Chicks and geese and ducks better currey
When I take you out in the surrey
When I take you out in the surrey with the fringe on top....lalalala

That one'll be STUCK now......

Travis Cody said...

Might as well do it. You already know you can pull off the shaved head.

Schmoop said...

Baldness RAWKS. At least that's what I tell myself. Enjoy your trip Mr. man. Cheers!!