April 7, 2009

A New Skill

As per suggestion and encouragement, I need to have my camera with me more often. My regular camera is a Nikon D 70. It's a little big to carry around in some places, and illegal for me to carry onto some military bases, Lawrence Livermore Lab, and Sandia Lab (a couple of Dept. of Energy work sites) that I deliver to. When I go to these places, the guards do a thorough search of my truck and would confiscate my camera or not allow me to enter their facility.

Periodically I'll sent a work situation picture from my phone. So I decided to take a couple pictures of my usual "Tuesday" night gig. I enjoy the game of racquetball and I've recently had the opportunity to play with a friend (captain Dave). He lives and works about 25 minutes from me and we alternate locations to play. One week we play in my town and the next week in his town. Both of us are pretty competitive and we play extremely hard for 5 games. Last week I won 3 of 5, this week "Captain" Dave won 3 of 5. Here is a picture that I took and a couple that Dave took of me...

racquetball two racquetballracquetball three

Another blog skill learned and practiced. Plus this post only took about 10 minutes to create...


Schmoop said...

The picture on the right looks likes a still photo from a hostage video. Hope you're having fun with the blog. Cheers!!

The Teamster said...

matt...would that make me the hostage or the taker? and thanks for reading...i am having fun. Once I get better at separating my serious posts (my union post i've been working on for two weeks)from my daily posts when i start my trip.

katherine. said...

very cool babe
quick and easy peasy

(I can see Captain Dave's reflection over your shoulder in the mirror....)

Mel said...

Ten minutes WITH photos and.....relatively kosher!

Very impressive, sir!

Well done!!!

And drat that "Captain" claimed this week's win.
I trust you'll take care of next week......

Vinny "Bond" Marini said...

You are now an official blogger!

Great job Teamster...that Katherine is one smart cookie, no?

Travis Cody said...

Well done! Even practice with a cell phone cam is good practice for when you will have the regular camera on your trip.