April 6, 2009

I got distracted

Not by being busy, but by my reason for this blog. Someone from another blog had written on the subject of unions. I replied, but felt the responsibility to post my own philosophy on whether unions are needed in this economy.

After 4 days of careful research and deep soul-searching, I realized that my reason for blogging was for my trip, not to become a writer. I was spending too much time writing the perfect post when my goal is to be able to write from the road and write quickly.

I'm writing this post from the "Byron Inn Cafe" during my lunch and break from work (negotiated by the Teamsters). In fact, I wrote it in about 12 minutes...had to eat my sausage and home fries...


katherine. said...

wellllll.....maybe if you are sitting around bored before your trip you could share your Union YES! post.

fine tune your skills for your trip posts and all....

Mel said...

k.....that does NOT sound like a kosher meal.....

JUST sayin'......

Fine tune your skills?!?

UH oh.

Yamean skills are required for posting on weblogs?!
NOW ya tell me!

OH well.


DarlingDaughterDawn said...

Lunch and break together? You take lunch and break together? Hmmm, good thing you don't work for the state, in my union that's a no-no......ha ha ha ha

And nobody does it!!! (wink, wink)

Love ya, brother.....

Sausage and home fries? Not the healthiest thing in the world.....

Hole in Fore (Four, Yo) said...

Healthy? No. Tasty? Yes!!

Was the break taken in conjunction with lunch your morning break or afternoon break? Did the Teamsters negotiate your right to take lunch and break together? Is this a typical union lunch? Will this be a typical lunch on "The Ride"? Will there be pics of the lunch?

As you can see, I am curious...

DarlingDaughterDawn said...

ha ha ha ha ha ha Paul!!

katherine. said...

ya know....you are going to have to start carrying a camera around with you everywhere...

laughing Laughing LAUGHING

The Teamster said...

katherine....nah....don't see myself sitting around bored during spring time....

mel....just sounded good and was on the menu

dawn...and paul...based on a 1992 greivance that was won by the union. As long as your lunch is taken between your 4th and 6th hour, you can take you lunch with your 2nd earned break...(article 47 section 1A)....so yes...it's allowed...especially with the city operations. We have so many customers who take lunches at different times and it's the driver's discretion on when to take lunch and break...

thanks for your concern

Travis Cody said...

Nicely done. You kept to your blog philosophy and still made your feelings clear about unions.

And in only 12 minutes without a lot of research.

The Teamster said...

katherine...there are many places while working that i cannot take my camera...i wish i could...

travis...thanks....after stressing over multiple edits and sleepless nights (well..not really)...I realized I lost focus of my reason for the blog...

katherine. said...


what about all those pictures you send me throughout your day....


The Teamster said...

i didn't think anyone else wanted "naked" pictures of me...


Desert Songbird said...

Oh, waaaaaay too much info there, Teamster! Well, now, wait...naked you photos? Hmmmm....

Schmoop said...

I'd loooove to have pictures of you naked. Y'know...just as a show of Solidarity. Cheers Teamster!!

DarlingDaughterDawn said...


That's awesome about your lunch/break situation. I wish that's what our contract stated. I like to combine my time so I can take a nice brisk walk around the capital and 45 minutes is better than 30 and 15, in my opinion.

Vinny "Bond" Marini said...

Write the words you feel comfortable with...express as much or as little as you want...send the naked photos to Katherine and everything will be just fine.

katherine. said...

Oh for goodness sakes Annabelle!!!
(is it a little warm in here???)

<---- just a little red faced.

for those of you not related to The Teamster by blood or marriage….

remember when I said this is a “family” web log?
read by…ya know….his family….
Sisters, brothers, nieces, father, his mother….and his boys?


Allow me to correct any misconceptions.

The following is a list of actual pictures I have received during The Teamster's work day.

The truck steering wheel with the Volvo logo prominently displayed

His laptop screen with my message on it.

The beeper telling The Teamster it is his turn at the Costco terminal.

Some stack of cardboard Nick sleeps behind.

A customer lunch/break room table.

Storm clouds on the horizon.

“Hazardous Materials” warning sign on the trailer.

“Poison” warning signs on the trailer.

An artistically arranged stack of garbage on the dock.

That picture of him next to his comments.
(okay…that one is rather hawt…)

The Union has yet to negotiate "naked picture time" for its memebers.

The Teamster said...


good thing mom has a good sense of humor.....

DarlingDaughterDawn said...

ha ha ha Teamster started the naked picture subjects.....

katherine. said...

no problem dawn....The Teamster and I have an understanding...

Mel said...

*covering eyes*

Lemme know when it's safe, thanks!


A 'family blog' she says.
